A good pickling recipe is a must have in your repertoire. Pickling eggs is a time old tradition around Easter for many people, especially here in the south. The Happy Hearts Kitchen knew just what they had to do with the AOOC’s Easter Special and they have that recipe to share with you today.

Traditional Recipe (Beet)
- 12 Hardboiled eggs
- 1 Large Beet, diced in ¼ “ thick pieces
- 2-3 smashed cloves of garlic
- 3-4 slices of a sweet onion (sliced in thin rings 1/8” thick)
- 1 cup water
- ¾ cup sugar
- ½ cup distilled white or AOOC Barrel Aged Red Wine Vinegar
- ½ cup Sicilian Lemon Balsamic
- 2-3 quart sized mason jars with lids.
- In a large pot, skillet or saucepan on medium-heat add water, sugar, Sicilian Lemon Balsamic, and AOOC Barrel Aged Red Wine vinegar. Add Beets and sliced onion
- Reduce mixture by half and let cool slightly. Add 3 eggs to the mason jar, followed by a few of the now pickled onions and beets, your cloves of garlic, and more liquid.
- Layer again with eggs repeating until the jar is full. Marinate overnight or for a full 24 hours before serving plain or on a delicious chef’s salad like the one we made for Daytime Tri-cities!