Taco Tuesday!
Marinated chicken with AOOC Persian Lime, juice from a sour orange, garlic, salt, oregano, cumin, paprika. Drizzled AOOC Hojiblanca on chicken then grill.
Carnitas – broiled in the oven with some AOOC Pomegranate Quince, AOOC Grapefruit White balsamic, garlic salt and pepper.
Salsa – AOOC Baklouti Geen Chili, roasted tomatillo, roasted chiles, cilantro, salt.
Salsa – chopped tomatoes, onions, cilantro, AOOC Lemon OO, salt.
Curtido (cabbage relish), AOOC Cilanto & Roasted Onion OO, green onion, garlic, salt, pepper fresh cilantro.